智能一卡通系统(Smart card system)

访客管理系统(Visitor management system)


访客管理用于单位企业对来客进行电子化登记管理,可简化登记流程,实现无纸化作业,不仅便于日后管理, 同时也方便了来客进出提高了交往的效率,提升了企业形象。支持摄像头、扫描设备、读卡设备、第二代身份证阅读设备、打印(证卡、热敏、标签)设备等,该系统充分利用现代化信息技术,真正做到人员、证件、照片三者统一。实现“进门登记、出门登记、人像对应、随身物品登记、分级授权管理、历史记录查询、流量分析统计、报表汇总”等功能。实现对人员身份的xx识别,同时访客管理与门禁系统xx结合,方便门禁授权,使用该系统后,通过人防和技防相结合,重点加强单位来访宾客有序管理,提升单位门卫工作效率、服务品质和单位形象。

Visitor management for enterprises of electronic registration and management of visitors, can simplify the registration process, to achieve paperless management, not only for the day after, but also facilitate the visitor access to improve communication efficiency, enhance the corporate image. Support the camera, scanning equipment, card reader equipment, the second generation ID card reading device (card, printing, thermal and label) equipment, the system makes full use of modern information technology, truly unified personnel, documents, photos three. Implementation of the "door registration, registration, portrait correspondence, carrying items registration, classification authority management, historical records inquiries, traffic analysis statistics, statements summary" and other functions. Achieve accurate identification of people's identity.
