

德国martor124001全自动安全刀具 Merak No. 124001

以下为德国martor124001全自动安全刀具 Merak No. 124001详细参数信息,德国martor124001全自动安全刀具 Merak No. 124001图片由杭州艾捷盾机电科技有限公司提供,德国martor124001全自动安全刀具 Merak No. 124001

德国martor124001全自动安全刀具 Merak No. 124001
最小起订量:1      计量单位:把      产品单价:205.00      供货总量:1000


Merak No. 124001

The Merak is a GS-tested safety knife for precise cutting with fully
automatic blade retraction (IBR technology), which is ideally suitable for
cutting most packaging materials. A design using high quality plastics in a
convenient and ergonomic shape is the key to efficient work practices. That
means low-fatigue work practices and high productivity for the company. Thanks
to the shallow cutting depth of 11 mm the risk of damage to the contents is
minimised when cutting into cardboard boxes. Designed with a squeeze-grip, this
knife is perfectly suitable for both left and right-handed users. The blade is
changed simply, quickly and safely without using any tools.

Merak 124001全自动安全刀具运用{zx1}IBR技术譲刀片回弹过程更顺畅,令切割作业xxx。人机工程学握杆式设计给予使用者更顺畅的工作。刀体为高质量塑胶制造,刀具带刀片紧锁开关,适合左手及右手操作者使用。2/ 4点式刀片可重复使用,更具经济效益。



MARTego No. 92

length: 26.00 mm
Width: 18.50 mm
Material thickness: 0.40 mm


MARTego No. 192(不锈钢材质)


length: 26.00 mm
Width: 18.50 mm
Material thickness: 0.40 mm


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