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What are the characteristics of digital meridian guide flat therapeutic instrument?

    In many large hospitals, and will see all kinds of medical equipment in general hospital, among them, the digital channels the characteristics of the flat therapeutic apparatus is more noticeable, its indications is broad, the obvious characteristic, is the 10 hz electrical dynamic surface treatment, special treatment some lesions or larger area (not sure which treated by acupuncture and moxibustion for diseases, mainly in the treatment of scar constitution, also can correct the body deformity disease, there are more simulation function of acupuncture. So, what are the characteristics of digital meridian guide flat therapeutic instrument?

    You will find that the digital channels and collaterals, the characteristics of the flat therapeutic apparatus is more noticeable by the spasm of muscle and its antagonist alternating electrical stimulation to treat spastic paralysis, operation method is simple, mainly through stimulation of spasm and antagonist, can also enhance the ability of muscle, inhibit interact through two groups of current convulse muscle relaxation, can improve the limb function, especially the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy crazy, muscle atrophy results is very good.

    Still have the friend that often exercises, always have the case of muscle ache, and digital channel channel smooth therapeutic effect is very good, still can prevent muscle to lose a lot of water, prevent the destruction that produces electrolyte and enzymatic system, in a lot of large hospital, still having the important effect in comprehensive hospital. When we are choosing equipment of treatment of convulsive muscle, must choose manufacturer of mechanical equipment with large and regular public praise, basically see product quality, still have its function characteristic also is very important.

    What are the characteristics of digital meridian guide flat therapeutic instrument, you should know clearly? In many general hospitals, as well as local hospitals, and rehabilitation institutions will see the digital meridian guide therapy equipment plays an important role, mainly for the treatment of muscular atrophy, cerebral palsy disease, and stroke disease.

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