


    Q2HB34MA(B) is a constant angle and constant torque stepper drive. The drive voltage range from DC12V to 40V. It can match 2-phase hybrid stepper motors whose rated current is under 3A and shaft diameter range from 42mm to 86mm. Owe to bipolar constant chopping circuit, it can Make motors low noise, operated smoothly. It is widely used in the small size of numerical control device with higher resolution such as carving machine, laser labeling machine, inner laser curving machine and etc. Features ● High performance, low price ● 4 channels constant angel and constant torque subdivision, the highest subdivision: 64 ● Highest response frequency: 200Kpps ● The motor phase current is reduced to approximately 50% of the set current value 100ms after receiving the last pulse edge ● Bipolar constant current chopping circuit ● Opto-isolated input/output ● Driven current is adjustable continuously from 0.5A/phase to 3A/phase ● Single power supply, voltage arrange from DC12 to 40V 顺祝! 商祺! 联系人:张小姐 联系方式:18961193360
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