BKV 15,BKV 15 G H2.0,BKV 15 H2.0,Durethan PA6+GF汉博塑胶13423233619



    东莞市汉博工程塑料有限公司代理经销系列美国杜邦Durethan尼龙产品. 联系人:胡小姐 13423233619 0769-83810856 www.hanboplas.com (我司可提供COA,SGS,UL黄卡,物性表等。欢迎来电索取!) Durethan BCF 30 X H2.0 901510:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres/Carbonfaser, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, improved elecical conductivity 。 Durethan BG 30 X 000000:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres/glass spheres, injection moulding, low tendency to warp。 Durethan BG 30 X H2.0 901510:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres/glass spheres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, low tendency to warp 。 Durethan BG 30 X H3.0 000000:PA 6, 30 % glass fibres/glass spheres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized, low tendency to warp 。 Durethan BKV 115 000000:PA 6-Copolymer, 15 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified 。 Durethan BKV 115 H2.0 901510:PA 6-Copolymer, 15% glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, heat-ageing stabilized 。 Durethan BKV 130 000000:PA 6-Copolymer, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified 。 Durethan BKV 130 GIT 900116:PA 6-Copolymer, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, GIT/WIT 。 Durethan BKV 130 H2.0 901510:PA 6-Copolymer, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, heat-ageing stabilized 。 Durethan BKV 130 H3.0 101006:PA 6-Copolymer, 30 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, heat-ageing stabilized 。 Durethan BKV 140 000000:PA 6-Copolymer, 40 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified 。 Durethan BKV 140 H2.0 900051:PA 6-Copolymer, 40 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, heat-ageing stabilized 。 Durethan BKV 15 000000:PA 6-Copolymer, 15 % glass fibres, injection moulding 。 Durethan BKV 15 G H2.0 900051:PA 6-Copolymer, 15 % glass fibres, injection moulding, impact modified, improved surface finish, improved resistance to weathering。 Durethan BKV 15 H2.0 901510:PA 6-Copolymer, 15 % glass fibres, injection moulding, heat-ageing stabilized
    郑重声明:产品 【BKV 15,BKV 15 G H2.0,BKV 15 H2.0,Durethan PA6+GF汉博塑胶13423233619】由 东莞市汉博工程塑料有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。