


    供应抹泥板用白色羊毛毡/棕色驼毛毡/棕色牛毛毡到新联毛毡厂: 棕色驼毛毡 220×130×10. 250×130×10.280×140×10 白色羊毛毡 220×130×10.250×130×8. 280×140×10。 南宫市新联毛毡厂位于河北省东南部,临近308国道与京九铁路、308高速公路,交通十分方便,我厂已有三十年生产历史,拥有先进生产设备。主要产品:细白工业羊毛毡、民用毛毡、色毛毡、针刺毡、防寒毡、xx床毡、化纤毡、画毡、运输毡、包装毛毡、xx毛毡、毛毡轮、毡筒、毛毡密封垫、印台毡、护膝毡、毛毡鞋垫、毛毡油封、抛光轮、羊毛球、羊毛磨头、半灰毡等。该产品具有:过滤、抛光、封严、衬垫、绝缘、防震护油、保温、隔热等作用。产品广泛用于:机械、军工、冶金、矿山、林业、纺织、机电、通讯、仪器仪表、交通运输、航空、船舶、机械、电子、家电、机电、钢琴、镜面与不锈钢镜面及其它平面的抛光等。   Our factory is in the southeast of Hebei Province,which is close to 308 National Highway and the Jingjiu Railway. With more than 30 years'experience and advanced equipments,our factory mainly deals in all kinds of thin and white industrial woolen felt, civilian woolen felt, color woolen felt, needle felt, cold-prevention felt, military bed felt, chemical fiber felt, oil seal, polishing wheel, woolen ball, woolen grinding head, semi-gray felt and so on. The products have following functions: filtering, polishing, seal, liner, insulation, shockproof, oil protection, warm keeping, heat insulation, etc. They are widely used for machine, war industry, metallurgy, mine, forest industry, textile, electromotor, communication, meter, transportation, aviation, ship, machinery, electron, household electric appliance, piano, polishing the mirror, stainless steel mirror surface and other surfaces.   We are looking forward to establishing stable and long-term, mutually beneficial business relationship with all customers throughout the world
    郑重声明:产品 【供应抹泥板用白色羊毛毡/棕色驼毛毡/棕色牛毛毡到新联毛毡厂】由 南宫市新联毛毡厂 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。