Just Beats? Solo? On-ear Headphones with ControlTalk


    Jordan23club Trade Co.Ltd

    Whether you're a faraway regular or a fanatic hailing the Sox from enemy territory, take your fever, and your music, to another level with the Monster beats by Dr. Dre Studio Red Sox editions from Monster beats . Artists and producers spend much time in ine-tuning and mixing music to get it exactly that what way can make their fans to hear it. But the large numbers of monster headphones can’t accurately reproduce the intricacies produced in the studio. Simply put, Studios can. With precision-engineered, advanced speaker design, powered amplification, and powered noise cancellation, you hear music the way today’s top artists and producers want you to hear. ADDITIONAL FEATURES: Wired with Monster Cable Advanced Monster Cable headphone cable with Quadripole 4 twisted pair construction reduces signal loss for balanced sound and clarity. Micro Minijack Compact connector design reduces bulk and eases unnecessary strain that can damage headphone connectors and ports. Push To Listen Integrated mute button lets you listen to the outside world without removing your Beats. Folding Design Beats fold into a compact shape for easy packing wherever you’re going. Touring Case Rugged case with rigid construction keeps Beats and accessories safe during transport. Monster CleanCloth Ultra-soft cleaning cloth with AEGIS microbe shield keeps Beats looking good and controls germs on your ear cushions. Scratch-Resistant Gloss Finish Advanced materials make Beats stand out from the crowd, and keep them looking good. You can also try to use our new arrvial beats that is lady gaga headphones which have been popular in the world. my website: http://www.jordan23club.com headphones link: http://www.jordan23club.com/product/view- 84036.html MSN: jordan23club@hotmail.com
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