开心精灵生态科技(北京)有限公司 一碗水端平。一个小小的容器,能模拟威力xx的龙卷风、洋流、大气对流等神奇自然景观;一个透明的水杯,一块晶体,就能看见海底“火山爆发”;一包土,一碗水,混在一起就长出“美人鱼”;一颗xx的珍珠长在贝壳中,你面色潮红、心跳加快,她看见你用 颤抖的双手亲自打开,制成一个精美的耳针,得到这一礼品的瞬间,幸福油然而生……珊瑚、贝壳、海星、小龟,饰品、礼品、玩具,海底世界,千姿百态,带给你不一样的世界。A bag of soil, water bowl, mix together to grow "Mermaid"; a natural pearl in the shell length, you facial flushing, rapid heartbeat, and she saw you in person to open with trembling hands, made a fine ear, get the gift of the moment, happiness wells ... ... coral, shells, starfish, small turtles, jewelry, gifts, toys, underwater world, mix, bring you a different world.