重锤破Heavy Punch Crusher
PCZ型重锤破碎机又称箱式破碎机, 是一种新型重型破碎设备。该设备具有{gx}、节能、破碎比大、进料粒度大、出料粒度均匀、过粉碎现象少、结构紧凑、维护和更换易损件方便等特点。适用于破碎中等硬度(≤200Mpa)的各种石料,可广泛用于各种采石场、石料加工、选矿使用。
PCZ heavy punch crusher is also called box crusher, is one new type crushing equipment; it features in high efficiency, energy saving, reduction ratio, a large feed size, the particle size uniform , low output over crushing ratio, compact structure, easy maintenance and replacement of wearing parts and so on. It is widely applied to crush the semi hardness materials (≤200Mpa) in the quarry, stone making and ore beneficiation plant.
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