机器人ROI视觉检测仪 苏州德天光学技术有限公司专业生产



    机械人视觉检测仪(ROI)可实现全方位多 维检测,ROI还可广泛应用于无人全自动化生产车间,对自动化生产进行实时工艺过程控制。目前此产品已应用在华硕(苏州)产线上.(ROI can be used in all-round multi-demensional detection,It also can be used in Automatic assembly line, monitoring the quality for real-time control of the process. It has been used in ASUSTek Computer Inc.(Suzhou)in June, 2010.) 技术参数(Technical Parameters) 1.视觉识别系统(Visual system) CCD彩色摄像机,分辨率为12微米/点.(Color CCD digital camera,resolution 12um) 环形光源。(Ring-shaped light Source. ) 可xx检测组装件(如键盘)装配质量、标识字符等.(Accurate detection assemblies(such as keyboard),assembly quality,indentification characters.) 每幅画面处理时间小于190毫秒.(The process of each frame is less than 190 ms.) 可用于对0201和对0.3毫米间距的器件的检测.(Testing the device of 0201 and 0.3mm space.) 2. 机械系统(Mechanical System) 进口机械手,重复精度0.02mm.( The repeatability precision of the Robot is 0.02um) {zd0}合成速度4400mm/s.(The maximum resultant velocity of the Robot is 4400mm/s.) 智能编程,兼容性好,维护方便.(Intelligent programming,good compatibility,maintenance convenient.) 多轴联动,对目标全方位检测.(Multi-axis linkage,an overall inspection on target.) 3. 软件系统(Software system) 操作平台为Microsoft WindowsXP.(Oprate system is Microsoft WindowsXP.) 缺陷提取、图形化编程、MARK点定位、中/英文界面、CAD导入.( Classify and statistics analyze the NG; develop program with graphic interface; locating with Mark pot; Chinese/English interface; support CAD induction.) 4. 控制系统(Control system) 双核主频、2G内存、160G硬盘。(Dual-core frequency,2G memory,160G hard disk.) 17英寸液晶显示器。(17inch liquid-crystal display.) 5.其他(Other) 总重约100kg.(Weight:100kg.) 交流220V电源,频率50/60HZ,额定功率为500W.(AC220V,50/60HZ Power Supply,Rated Power is 500W.) 占地1.5平方米。(An area of 1.5 squares.) 6.服务维修(After-Service) 一年免费
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