鸿永隆物流是一家海运整箱、拼箱及租船、空运、仓储配送到门、国内运输、报关报验等各项服务,同时提供第三国货物中转,出具第三国产地证(如马来西亚、泰国、印尼、香港等国家产地证)为客户规避贸易壁垒,减免关税的第三方物流服务性企业。公司在完善国内网络的同时,成立专门机构开发国外代理,目前网络已经覆盖欧洲、中东、红海、北非、东南亚、澳新、北美、中南美、南非等国家和地区。依靠强大的国际国内网络,我们可以为客人提供本地化的全球服务。 公司拥有宽大的信息网和先进的internet物流管理系统运输各种货物、仓储设备配置精良,已建成一支高素质专业化且具有多年仓储、配送、运输和操作经验的现代化物流队伍,可根据客户具体特点,设计策划“个性化”物流配送方案,并提供全过程全方位全天候的综合物流方案。
Hong Yong long is a third part logistics company who has the comprehensive service of FCL, LCL, vessel chartering, Air freight, warehousing and distribution to door, inland transportation, clearance and inspection .and we also offer the service of the third part freight transfer, Certificate of origin of the third part.(Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, HongKong) circumvent the trade barriers, and derate tariff. To perfect the domestic network, out company established the special agency to develop for the agency abroad at the same time. Now our service cover Europe , the Middle East,the red sea, North Africa, Southeast of Asia Australian, North America ,south Africa central south America.
地址:Room 903,No.86,Hengfeng Garden,Chang·an Road,Huli District,Xiamen,Zip Code:361006