阿科玛PMMA V825-UVA5A
Plexiglas? V825-UVA5A is a thermoplastic acrylic resin formulated for injection molding and extrusion applications. It is formulated for specialty lighting packages requiring specific UV transmission requirements. Plexiglas? V825-UVA5A has excellent weatherability and optical properties allowing it to excel in applications requiring outdoor stability, high quality surface appearance and/or precision optics. Plexiglas? V825-UVA5A is easy to process due to its exceptional thermal stability, extrusion melt strength, and excellent tool surface reproduction and release properties. 添加剂:紫外线稳定剂.
用途:光学应用;汽车领域的应用;照明漫射器 。
阿科玛PMMA V825-UVA5A