艺联易民,让你一看就上手。北京艺联易民合作方式可根据加工方实际情况进行选择,如本人因各种因素不便来京考察,可异地直接接产。公司提供VCD教学光盘、样品及编号图纸,模具化生产,简单易学,一看就会。另发原料100-1000件,产品一律回收.由于我企业未能确定你方加工能力及加工规模的前提下,为确保我方产品不丢失、损坏或被变卖,也能增加接产客户对产品的责任心,所以要求合作者在接产时,首批产品需暂时交纳部分订单信誉定金,此款在你方{dy}批产品交回我企业时便可无息退还,这样确保了双方的利益。As I am not sure of your business processing capacity and processing under the premise of the scale, to ensure that our product is not lost, damaged or sell, but also to increase births attended the customer's responsibility, so when asked partners in the confinements The first batch of products, orders temporarily pay part of the credibility of the deposit, this section first products in your return can be refunded without interest when my business, so ensure that the interests of both sides.