阿科玛PMMA V045抗划伤
Plexiglas? V045 is a thermoplastic acrylic resin formulated for injection molding and extrusion applications. It is characterized by its chemical and heat resistance as well a high melt flow. Plexiglas? V045 has excellent weatherability and optical properties allowing it to excel in applications requiring outdoor stability, high quality surface appearance and/or precision optics. Plexiglas? V045 is easy to process due to its exceptional thermal stability, extrusion melt strength, and excellent tool surface reproduction and release properties. 性能特点:尺寸稳定性良好;抗划伤性高;抗紫外线性能良好;良好的颜色稳定性;耐气候影响性能良好;耐热性,中等;清晰度,高;热稳定性,良好;收缩性低。
机构评级:FDA 21 CFR 177.1010。
外观 半透明;可用颜色;不透明;清晰/透明。
阿科玛PMMA V045抗划伤