代理销售杜邦PA66 84G33玻纤增强,欢迎来电洽谈合作!徐生:13580901766东莞市波尔塑胶原料有限公司(0769-33358922;FAX:0769-83508958;网址:www.82plas.com.)长期供应以下现货,欢迎来电咨询洽谈,合作双赢!最小起订量:25KG。
长期供应杜邦ZETEL PA66
玻纤增强PA66:80G33L NC010,80G43HS1L BK104,84G33 BKB031,BM70G15HSLR BK537,
Zytel- 80G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont- Super Tough technology
Zytel- 80G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact resistance developed using DuPont- Super Tough technology
Zytel- 80G43HS1L BK104 43% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 66 resin with superior impact resistance
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