POM E3120BM挤出吹塑
,欢迎来电洽谈合作!徐生:13580901766, 东莞市波尔塑胶原料有限公司(0769-33358922;FAX:0769-83508958;网址:www.82plas.com.)长期供应以下塑胶,原厂原包,质量保证,价格实惠!最小起订量25KG,欢迎来电洽谈采购,合作双赢!
Ultraform E3120BM
Ultraform is supplied in the form of granules having a bulk density of approx. 850 g/l. Standards packs are the 25 kg PE bag and the 1000 kg Oktabin (octagonal container). Ultraform is not subject to change when it is stored in dry, ventilated rooms. After relatively long storage (>1 year) or when handling material from previously opened containers, preliminary drying is recommended in order to remove any moisture which has been absorbed.
POM E3120BM挤出吹塑
POM E3120BM挤出吹塑