代理销售杜邦PA66 ST801HS抗紫外线PA66,欢迎来电洽谈合作!徐生:13580901766东莞市波尔塑胶原料有限公司(0769-33358922;FAX:0769-83508958;网址:www.82plas.com.)长期供应以下现货,欢迎来电咨询洽谈,合作双赢!最小起订量:25KG。
长期供应杜邦ZETEL PA66
防紫外/耐候: PA66:145 BK010,MT409AHS BK010,ST801HS BK010,ST801AW BK195,ST801AW NC010,105 bk010A,157HSL BK010
Zytel- 101 NC010 General purpose polyamide 66 resin for injection molding and extrusion
Zytel- 101F BKB009 Internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It was developed for fast cycles and high productivity.
Zytel- 101F NC010 Internally lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding. It was developed for fast cycles and high productivity.
Zytel- 101L BKB009 Lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding
Zytel- 101L BKB080 Lubricated polyamide 66 resin for injection molding
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