英文Dioctyl Sebacate,化学名称,葵二酸二辛脂是为无色无味,或颜色为淡黄色透明液体; DOS-A是以DOS油为基础油的有机酯类润滑剂,耐热耐氧化,长期保存也不会凝固和变质,具有亲水性极性基,易水洗,涂覆在板带表面后不会妨碍覆膜,印刷及彩涂等后续工艺。用于食品包装容器的原材料的防锈,润滑及提高冲压等需要,广泛应用于镀锡板卷,马口铁(ETP)基板、镀铬板卷(TFS)、铝箔及镀锌彩涂基板等表面防锈与润滑。更多信息登录
Dioctyl Sebacate (DOS) are tasteless, odorless lubricants for the food manufacturing and processing industry. DOS product need have received the classification 3H/H1 approval from the FDA or NSF for lubricants having incidental contact with food. Food grade Classification 3H or H1 are commonly applied in the package material, Such as coating on the surface of ETP, TFS, Aluminum Foil and so on.