



    全国{zh0}的投资连锁加盟品牌项目盈利丰厚回本最快                                                                             做什么赚钱最快?投资什么项目回报最快?很多人都希望自己的投资可以快速回本,这样不仅自己心里可以踏实一点,那么以后经营店铺的时候也会更加的有信心。那么怎样才能够快速赚到钱呢                                                                                     The best investment projects profitable franchise brand back to the block do what the shortest? What the fastest return on investment projects? Many people hope that theirinvestment can be quickly back to the present, so that not only your heart can be at ease, so after the store will be more confident. So how can fast make money.                                                                            
       可丽可心2截图20131119085447                                                                                                                                                                                                     那现在做什么赚钱最快?事实证明开当今最朝阳的美容美体连锁加盟店!
    二、 给美容院经营者的三条忠告:1)切莫守株待兔;2)别把美容师当枪使;3)赚钱不如省钱。
              获得一个成交客户,是很难的事情。但客户回头再次消费,却是不难。因此,如果这个项目,对每一个客  户,只能赚一次性的钱,这个项目也不值得去做 了。我们要选择客户可以反复多次消费的项目,这样,这个项目才可以随着时间,客户数量的积累越来越多,才能越做越轻松。

    Now do what the shortest? Proved open today's most Chaoyang beauty chain stores!

    A storefront, to highlight its own characteristics; 2) positioning service object; 3)service should reflect the professional; 4) can use the membership system management mode; 5) investment benefit: rent, renovation, equipment tools upfront investment ofabout 50000 yuan will be open for business. In general, about 3 months to recover the cost of.

    Two, give three pieces of advice of the beauty salon operators: 1) do not wait; 2)don't make money than beautician dupes; 3) money.

    Choose any one industry, any one project investment, as an investor, hope, themarket prospect is very good, more relaxed, earn more and more money. Therefore,investors must consider three issues:

    1, the market is big enough: This is the prospects of the project problems

    If a market too small projects, expansion is not enough, it is not worth doing.

    2, whether the project can make the old customer lifetime value of a lifetime: thisrelates to whether the more relaxed problem

    Get a customer, is a very difficult thing. But the customer back spending again, but it is not difficult to. Therefore, if the project, for each customer, can only earndisposable money, the project is not worth doing. We want to select customers can berepeated consumption of the project, so, this project can be accumulated with time,the number of customers, can more easily.

    3, whether the project can quickly back to the shop, earn this money, and then invest in a store, the store store way, occupy the market quickly, only in this way, can reachto earn more and more money to.

    Only with these three points, it is a good investment projects.

       1、 这个项目的市场是否足够大

    We analyze the investment return of the beauty chain institutions Kelikexin the fastest, compliance with the three points:

    1, the market is big enough

    Weight loss in this market, it is not only the weight to the real fat people, more to those of their own body dissatisfaction, want more slender body of the human body.Now, basically all the women are not satisfied with their body shape, and most of themen, but also had a large belly, this market, large enough.

    Lifetime value 2, whether the project can obtain customer

    For customers: weight loss is only the beginning, body is the pursuit of. The customer to lose weight is a stage of treatment, while in the weight loss after another infiniteanti rebound and maintenance process, Kelikexin according to different stages ofweight loss, the introduction of different services, from a single person to ensuresustainable profitability.

    3, whether the project can quickly back to the store, store development

    Kelikexin franchisees, with more than 50% people, in 2 years, more than 2 stores

    Conclusion: investment is the most quickly back to the beauty salon chain institutionKelikexin meet these three points, is a good investment projects.


    s a pioneer in Chinese Kelikexin, weight of chain operation, the industry body beautyjoined leaders, is the most weight loss industry scale and influence of the brand.

    Beauty chain institutions Kelikexin was founded in 1994, which lasted 19 years, for the franchisee to carefully build the project a great investment value: investment of 50 ~ 1300000, slimming stores at least a year profit of more than 1000000.

    19 years of development history, beauty chain institutions Kelikexin contact with tens of thousands of consulting, deeply understanding to the franchisee demand:

    The 1 is to find a most trustworthy brand to join.

    As a responsible chain brand, in 2009, on the development of the industry,employment Kelikexin with outstanding contributions and the integrity of law-abiding,healthy and orderly operation mode, is the first home Kelikexin approved by the national Ministry of commerce chain brand slimming industry, qualification number: 0110501900800032

    The state formally approved the eligibility to join the brand, you do not believe, but the letter?


    2 to find an effect reducing weight is best to join the brand

    Beauty chain institutions Kelikexin founder Mr. Cheng Li (vice president of Chinesecosmetology industry association, 1957) was born in a family medicine, was influenced by the French medical doctor professional training for three years, and allprofessionals are extensive academic exchanges, after 10 years of efforts, based on the theory of TCM, successfully developed a set of the benefit of millions of obese patients lose weight method course.

    Given the weight loss technique Kelikexin science excellent and advanced management mode, has been the Chinese Medical Association, 3, 15, ChinaConsumer Association International Conference, slimming world beautician Association and other countries and industry authority, well-known institutionsawarded the "National Women's and children's body weight specified brand","consumer trust units" and "Chinese beauty industry ten gold chain enterprise""China cosmetology industry five star chain enterprise" and other honorary titles! Is the only three consecutive years by the weight of the International ConferenceChinese awarded the highest honor -- industry brand logo weight loss enterprise!


    3 to find one of the most consistently profitable franchise brand protection

    I believe many shop open, open a business, experience deeply: enterprise is the most difficult is the marketing! The brand is good, the product is good, if the sales can not keep up, there is no use. Sales is the only guarantee of profit!

    In 19 years, marketing beauty chain institutions Kelikexin aided and guided 2000 shops, summed up a set of effective local marketing plans, especially to invitecustomers to participate in the "Avenue of stars" marketing activities, each activity,make the single turnover of more than one million!

    Have the best weight-loss technology, coupled with extremely effective store marketingscheme, the store to ensure sustained profitability, the vast majority of the shop can do 1 shop 1 years back. Join the cost recovery, but also continue to invest in second stores, which makes the franchisee, after joining, the successful replication scheme,development shop store, to play to the extreme. 19, help a person, the dreams of wealth. Up to now, beauty chain institutions Kelikexin, helped more than 2000 franchisees realize his dreams of wealth.

     可丽可心5截图20131119085737                                                                                                                                                                                                       2005年6月,广西南宁的徐女士,当时只是一个普通的女人,因为相信了可丽可心的“可以成功复制加盟店”,在南宁,xx可丽可心国际xx俱乐部便坐落东葛路开张,当年,不仅回收投资,还盈利不少,手里有了开第二家店的资金。以这种店生店的方式,徐总分别在2006年4月在南宁市民主路、2007年8月在南宁大学东路、2009年5月在南宁白沙大道、2011年3月在北海市北海大道相续开分店,2012年2月在南宁青山路,紧接在2012年3月着北海东都路开店。7年时间,7家店,徐总从一个普通女人,变成了xxxx家,成就了自己财富梦想
    预约电话,24小时热线:15203628557 曾帅经理。咨询QQ:2070269085

    In 2005 June, Guangxi Nanning Ms. Xu, was just an ordinary woman, because believeKelikexin "can successfully copy the franchise", in Nanning, first Kelikexin international slimming club is located east Ge road opened, the recovery of investment, not only,also made a lot of profit, have opened second stores funds. In this shop store way, Xuin 2006 April in Nanning city democracy, 2007 August in Nanning University Road, in 2009 May in Nanning Pak Sha Road, in 2011 March in Beihai City, Beihai Avenuecontinued to open stores in 2012 February in Nanning, Castle Peak Road, and thenin 2012 March, Beihai East Road shop. 7 years, 7 shops, the total Xu from an ordinary woman, became a well-known entrepreneurs, the achievements of their owndreams of wealth

    Such success stories, in Kelikexin franchisees, meet the eye everywhere.

    This high-quality investment projects, not only allows Kelikexin as many investors the investment business, is also a lot of the original brand management is not so goodbeauty health slimming stores want to regain the new join preferred. At present,beauty chain institutions Kelikexin's stores all over 28 provinces and cities in Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, and Russia, Kazakhstan and other neighboring countries.

    Our advice: to make any investment must be cautious. The surest way, is the fieldwork, seeing is believing. Only to see the real stores from the new start, millions of years to make the fact, the only credible. Hundreds of thousands of investment,this is not a small number of. Whether it is any project, in determining investment,cost thousands of dollars to headquarters and stores inspection, is worth. If the result of the investigation is that the project is not credible, when spend thousands of Yuan* *, or make the wrong investment decisions, leading to loss of investment results of hundreds of thousands of.

    Every month we will arrange the intention to join the corresponding stores surveyedthe headquarters and the joining area, you only need to make a phone callconsultation, do a study reservation can be. Only in the investigation, the fullunderstanding of the situation, and then consider whether to join, so they sound

    Telephone appointment, 24 hour hotline: 15203628557 has handsome manager.Consulting QQ:2070269085


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