



    The Manual of Huxiongbao
    Dear customer
    It’s very thankful for your choosing our products, and we’ll provide professional service to you. Our products with wonderful performance and great quality will satisfy you.
    This manual will help you to know about functions and operation of the product quickly. Please read this manual before you use our product.
    一、 包装清单
    Packing list
    1、 电源线:1条
       Power line: 1 pc
    2、 控制器:1个
       Controller: 1 pc
    3、 产品储放袋:1个
       Storage bag: 1 pc
    4、 产品说明书(附保修卡):1份
       Manual & guarantee card: 1 pc
    5、 可清洗杯罩:一个
       Detachable shield: 1 pc
    二、 电气参数
    Electrical data
    Power output
    三、 产品主要功效:
    1、  通过物理式的理疗,让女性平乳、微乳、发育不良的乳房隆起丰满。
    • Working on flat breast, small breast and hypogenetic breast with physical therapy, augmente breast.
    2、 让女性在产后或xx后松驰、下垂、萎缩的乳房恢复弹性,充实挺立。
    • Recover elasticity of breast after generation or reducing weight-that always let your breast flabby, pendulous, and atrophic.
    3、 长期坚持使用对女性乳房有保健作用,使乳房保持持久丰满、充盈。
    • Keep in long time using, it’s a health care effect to your breast, and make your breast plump.
    4、 防止乳房肿块、小叶增生和乳癌出现,平衡调节女性内分泌失调。
    • Preventing breast lump, lobular hyperplasia and mastocarcinoma, and  regulating the female endocrine.
    5、 坚持使用可预防女性经期综合症,延缓衰老,推迟女性更年期。
    • Preventing premenstrual syndrome, delaying senescence and delaying menopause.
    四、 产品功能简述: 
    Product descr iption
    • A built-in computer chip realizes the intelligentization and hommization controlling. Precisional  magnet therapy.
    • Full physical function, no radiation, no chemical pollution, healthy and safe.
    Pluggable type connection between power, controller and accessories, in order to settle and storage.
    Wide operation votage(110V-220V, 50-60Hz).
    • The controller is elegant appearance, upscale, convenient to use.
    • Controller operation panel is simple and friendly. It’s of indicator LED, 2 keys to control temperature of infrared-heating and power of tremolo.
    6、 与人体接触的附件全部采用环保面料并具有独特的可拆洗功能,用户在使用一段时间后可进行换洗,保证使用时干净,卫生,健康。
    Accessories touching human body are made of environmental materials, and they are detachable, make sure clean, sanitary, and healthy.
    7、 震动功能方面,三种震动模式自动切换并支持无级调速,用户可据自身需求自主调节。
    There are 3modles of vibrating, and stepless speed regulation, user can choose accordingly.
    8、 远红外加热功能方面,具有三级恒温功能,温度检测精准无误并具有过温保护功能,过温保护时远红外加热器自动停止工作,指示灯闪烁报警。
    FIR: three-level constant temperature, precision temperature detecting, over temperature protection- if the temperature is over, FIR will stop working, indicator light will flash.
    9、 自动记忆功能,无需用户设置定时,30分钟后自动停止工作。
    Automatic memory function- user not need to set up and the product will stop working after 30 minutes.
    五、 产品使用说明:
    1、 先将产品围在胸部,根据个人胸围调节好松紧度,以保证调节到{zj0}舒适位置。
    Firstly, wrap the product around your chest and adjust tightness, make sure it is on the comfortable position.
    2、 将电源线,控制器及附件按正确方法连接好后插上电源。
    • Connecting power line, controller and accessories accurately, then link power.
    3、 按个人的感觉同需求自主调节好远红外加热器的温度档位及震动xx的档位。
    Adjust FIR’s temperature and strength of vibrating according to your need.
    Note: Long press vibrating function key, the vibrator will shift to stepless speed regulation, and user can adjust it to an acceptable then loose the key.
    4、 本机默认工作时间为30分钟,不断电情况下工作30分钟后控制器会自动停止工作。使用过程中如果未超过30分钟,用户也可以通过操作面板的两个功能键让控制器停止工作。
    This device default working time is 30 minutes, the controller will stop working in 30 minutes automatic. User can also stop the device with function keys on the controller panel.
    5、 为保证良好的效果,建议每天使用一次。
    Suggest once a day for getting good results.
    6、 使用完毕,先拔掉电源线再进行后面的整理工作。
    Please don’t settle stuff before you cut off power.
    六、 产品使用注意事项
    1、 使用过程中请远离火源,水源。
      Please faraway from fire or water when you using the device.
    2、 控制器要防止进水或者进油渍,如表面污损可用干布擦拭。
      Prevent the controller from water and oil. You can use dry cloth on the dirty face.
    3、 防止对产品进行踩压,贮放时防止重物施压。
      Prevent the device from weight pressure on it.
    4、 严禁带电情况下进行附件的连接和插拔。
      Don’t plug-in or pull out when the device links power.
    5、 本产品内没有用户可以自行维修的器件,使用如发现故障请交给专业的售后服务人员处理!
    There are no any components for maintenance in the packing. Please ask for professional after service.


    郑重声明:产品 【广州脉冲按摩仪专卖】由 广州市黄和电子科技有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。