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ZA71——680 自动冲剪弯曲机床  (自动冲压成型机床)

     {gx}——每分钟冲压次数达90 次。

      该机床xx覆盖了冲床的加工能力,并且对采用冲床级进模无法成形的复杂零件,很容易在该机上获得解决。为方便操作,该机特设手动,点动调整及变频无级调速系统。与传统加工方式相比,ZA71——680  自动冲剪弯曲机床明显具有操作安全,节省原材料,降低模具费用。生产效率高,柔性加工能力强,复杂零件一次成型等优点。
      事实证明,在五金冲压、汽车、电子、电讯、电器、电机、家电、日用小五金、航空、航天、兵器等制造业中使用ZA71——680 自动冲剪弯曲机床,能降低成本和获得更好的经济效益。


    详情请拨打:  曹先生13302292613 /QQ2851770059



ZA71 -- 680 automatic punching bending machine (automatic punching machine)

Efficient -- press 90 times per minute.

Automatic -- normal production without manual intervention, fully automated.

Flexible manufacturing capacity -- only need to adjust the feeding step length, time, stroke position, and with the corresponding tool, complex hardware parts with irregular can be formed in once .

More than one molding processes -- the traditional processing method is to use multiple machines and processes to complete work, now is one machine to complete, and automatic.

The machine to strip or wire rod as raw material, process comprehensively, including: straightening, step feeding, punching, shearing, multi direction bending, shaping, forming material, count etc., only need to adjust the feeding step length, time, stroke location, can form conplex metal parts with inregular shape in one time.

The machine is completely covered working ability of punch, and the complex parts by punching progressive can not be formed, easily solved in this machine. For the convenience of operation, the machine ad hoc manual, inching adjustment and frequency conversion stepless speed regulating system. Compared with traditional processing methods, ZA71 -- 680 automatic punching bending machine has safe operation, save raw materials, reduce the cost of mold. High production efficiency, flexible processing ability, forming a complex parts etc..

In fact, the use of ZA71 -- 680 automatic punching bending machine in the metal stamping, automotive, electronics, telecommunications, electrical appliances, motor, electric appliance, daily hardware, aviation, aerospace, weapons manufacturing, can reduce cost and obtain better economic benefits.

Please call: Mr. cao13302291613

郑重声明:产品 【ZA71-680】由 广州宇宸金属制品有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。