上海药监码喷码机 喷码机价格 电子监管码二维码喷码机厂家



    机器型号/TYPE JP-620 JP-1020 纸张规格({zd0}、最小)大Paper size(max,min) 180(W)*260(L)--620(W)*440(L)mm 360(W)*390(L)--720(W)*1020(L)mm 喷墨烘干面积 Inkjet area 1000(L)*620(M)mm 2000(L)*1020(M)mm 主机功率/Power 动力部分(Drive):8Kw 动力部分(Drive):12Kw 纸张重量 Paper weight 40--300克/平方(g/M2) 60--400克/平方(g/M2) 纸张定位方式 Feeding way 前吸气式给纸,下摆式前规,旋转式侧拉规 Aspirated to paper the Hem-before regulation, rotary side pull regulation 下摆式前规,旋转式侧拉规,飞达式连续输纸 Hem-front lay the rotary side pull Feida continuous feeding 速度/speed 3000--7000张/时(pcs/hour) 3000--7000张/时(pcs/hour) 烘干方式(选配) Drying model(optional) LDE-UV或红外烘干 LDE-UV或红外烘干 电源/Power supply 三相380V 50Hz(Three-phase 380v 50Hz) 三相380V 50Hz(Three-phase 380v 50Hz 功能特点: 1、PLC控制操作简单,运行稳定,高速的纸张分离及输送机构,喷墨平台带吸风装置,收纸部位带气动收齐装置; 2、可选择安装不同的数码喷墨印刷系统,适应喷印各种可变信息。分辨率高、速度快; 3、可选择安装实自动品检系统,自动剔除机构,全面保证产品的喷印质量; 4、可选择红外或UV烘干平台,适合于各种材料表面喷印墨水烘干。 Advantages: 1, PLC control, simple operation, stable, high-speed paper separating and conveying headband suction device, inkjet flat parts of the collection of paper with pneumatic receipt of all device; Flexible device digital inkjet printing system can print a variety of variable information. High-resolution, high speed; 3, the flexibility to choose the real-time dynamic monitoring system of the device, can fully guarantee the quality and effectiveness of the printing production; 4 optional IR or UV drying platform, suitable for printing ink drying on the surface of various
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