旺福封装1300万像素手机图像传感器:OV13850-TWD-A1 原装现货,价格优势!来电面议价格为准!电话:13823278789,QQ:9308762.欢迎来电索取规格书资料。
OmniVision推1300万像素摄像头,OV13850传感器 支持4K视频摄录,
PureCel OV13850传感器大小为1/3.06英寸,三围为8.5×8.5.x5毫米,单个像素大小为1.12 µm,支持拍摄分辨率{zg}为4224×3136的照片,即1320万像素,另外还支持每秒30帧的4K级别(ultraHD)视频摄录,而1080p级别视频则可达到60fps,同时也支持30fps的HDR视频摄录,并能在视频摄录和拍照间无缝切换。
这款摄像头具有4224×3136的像素,即1320万的像素,而且它还能以每秒30帧的速度录制4K(全高清)视频,这是OV13850{zj1}有辨识度的一个特点。另外,它还能无缝地进行视频模式和静态照片模式的转换。OV13850的尺寸只有1/3.06英寸,但也能以60 fps的速度录制1080P的高清视频以及录制HDR(高动态范围)视频。很难想象,一个8.5x8.5.x5mm 的小零件,竟然有如此多的xx功能。
The OV13850 color image sensor is a low voltage, high performance 1/3.06-inch 13.2 megapixel CMOS image
sensor that provides the functionality of a single 13.2 megapixel (4224×3136) camera using OmniBSI+™
technology. It provides full-frame, sub-sampled, windowed 10-bit MIPI images in various formats via the
control of the Serial Camera Control Bus (SCCB) interface.
The OV13850 has an image array capable of operating at up to 24 frames per second (fps) in 10-bit 13.2
megapixel resolution with complete user control over image quality, formatting and output data transfer. All
required image processing functions, including exposure control, white balance, defective pixel canceling,
etc., are programmable through the SCCB interface.
In addition, OmniBSI image sensors use proprietary sensor technology to improve image quality by reducing
or eliminating common lighting/electrical sources of image contamination, such as fixed pattern noise,
smearing, etc., to produce a clean, fully stable, color image.
For customized information purposes, the OV13850 includes a one-programmable (OPT) memory. The
OV13850 has up to four lanes of MIPI interface.
The OV13850 is suitable for low power camera module .
这款摄像头具有4224×3136的像素,即1320万的像素,而且它还能以每秒30帧的速度录制4K(全高清)视频,这是OV13850{zj1}有辨识度的一个特点。另外,它还能无缝地进行视频模式和静态照片模式的转换。OV13850的尺寸只有1/3.06英寸,但也能以60 fps的速度录制1080P的高清视频以及录制HDR(高动态范围)视频。很难想象,一个8.5x8.5.x5mm 的小零件,竟然有如此多的xx功能。
1300万像素传感器CMOS影像OV13850-TWD 原装现货,价格优势!来电面议价格为准!
OmniVision推1300万像素摄像头,OV13850传感器 支持4K视频摄录,
PureCel OV13850传感器大小为1/3.06英寸,三围为8.5×8.5.x5毫米,单个像素大小为1.12 µm,支持拍摄分辨率{zg}为4224×3136的照片,即1320万像素,另外还支持每秒30帧的4K