


    激光模切机开始逐渐发展起来,它主要是利用激光的高热能量对模切板进行高深度烧蚀形成刀缝,其割缝准直,缝宽一致,全自动化作业,成本低、效率高,是替代传统制作模切板的{zh0}选择,可用于各种模型的裁剪、切割,因此被广泛应用于各行业。Laser die cutting machine started to develop, it is using laser heat energy to die cutting the deep plate, the slotted collimation, slit width is consistent, fully automated operation, low cost, high efficiency, it is the best choice   to replace traditional die cutting plate,  and it can be applied to various models of cutting, therefore widely used in various industries.
    The advantage of HDS laser die cutting machines is
    1、高品质、精度高:激光模切机属于全自动激光切割,无震动偏差,精度高且稳定。其制作模切板由计算机控制,精度可达±0 05mm,并且不受图形复杂程度的限制,所以切割出来的多联板、异型板及两边无杂色模切板制成品非常精美。High quality, high precision, full-automatic, deviation of no vibration, high stability, its controlled by computer, the accuracy of +/- 0.05mm, and not be restricted by graphics complexity, it can cut out multigang on both sides of the plates, heterotypic plates and no noise, thee manufactured goods is very beautiful.

    2、速度快、效率高:激光模切机具有大幅面、非接触式的优点,制作模切板要比锯床加工方式快1倍以上,生产周期短,人工成本低,生产效益高. High speed, high efficiency, laser cutting machine has a big face, the advantages of non-contact, making die cutting plate more than 1 times faster than the sawing machine, short production cycle, low labor costs, high production efficiency.
    Simple and easy to use, it can be finished on computer cutting knife slit design, all kinds of knife slit set parameters based on the software automatically generated, therefore, laser die cutting machines can be use easily, all of the workers can use it after simple trained.
    4、可重复加工:由于激光模切机可以存储计算机编制的切割程序,所以当大批量生产需要多块相同的模切板的时候,只需调出程序再进行切割,即可做到重复加工。Repeatable processing, due to the laser die-cutting machine can store computer cutting program, so when the mass production need many same die cutting board, then only need to bring up the program for cutting, the repeated processing can go ahead.

    郑重声明:产品 【专业激光模切机厂家/自动激光模切机制造商】由 深圳市哈德胜精密科技股份有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。