


    深圳市同跃电子有限公司成立于2012年,是一家集研发、生产、销售服务于一体,以生产咪头及电声产品为主的企业。 公司注册资本50万元,现有员工30多人,累积投资近1000万,拥有10多套自动化生产线。在设计及研发技术方面,处于行业{lx1}水平,拥有多名半导体技术的行业{dj0}专家及复合型技术管理人才,自主研发能力及创新能力位于业界同行前列,积极创新,吸收业界最前沿的技术资源。 公司具有严谨的品质管理体系,具备电子应用产品自配套能力强的优势,公司的产品整核了公司系列产品的优势,使顾客能用普通的价格享受到xx品质。(1) Vibration Test振动试验
    To be no interference in operation after vibrations, 10Hz to 50Hz for 2 ho-urs full amplitude 1.52mm ,the sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sens-itivity,the measurement should be done  after 3 hours at the room temperature.
    将没有操作干扰过的咪头,在10HZ到50HZ、1.52 mm全振幅下振动 30分钟后,试验后在常温下放置3小时后测试,灵敏度变化在±3dB内。
    (2) Drop Test跌落试验 
    The microphone without packaged must be subjected to each 3 drops at three axises from the  height of 120cm to 2cm thick hardwood board, the sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sensitivity,the measurement should be done  after 3 hours at the room temperature.
    (3) High Temperature Test高温试验
    To be no interference in operation after high temperature test 70±3℃ for 48 hours. The sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sensitivity, the mea-surement should be done  after 3 hours at the room temperature.
    (4) Isotherm & ISO-humidity Test恒温恒湿试验
    To be no interference in operation after storage test at temperature 55±3℃ and relative humidity (95±3%) for 48 hours, the sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sensitivity, the measurement should be done  after 3 hours at   the room temperature.
    将没有操作干扰过的咪头在温度55±3℃、相对湿度95±3%的环境下试验48小时,试验后在常温下放置3小时后测试,灵敏度变化在±3dB内 。
    (5) Low Temperature Test 低温试验
    To be no interference in operation after Low temperature test -25±3℃ for 48 hours, the sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sensitivity,the meas-urement should be done  after 3 hours at the room temperature.
    将没有操作干扰过的咪头在-25±3℃的低温环境下放置48小时,试验后在常温下放置3小时后测试,灵敏度变化在±3dB内 。
    (6) Temperature Cycle Test温度循环试验 
    To be no interference in operation after expos

    郑重声明:产品 【行车记录仪咪头厂商-深圳蓝牙耳机咪头供应】由 深圳市同跃电子有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。