偶氮染料、 pH值、甲醛、六价铬(Cr VI)、分散染料、总镉、总铅、可萃取重金属、镍释放量、有机锡化合物、含氯苯酚(PCP、TeCP、TriCP等)、增塑剂、阻燃剂、富马酸二甲酯(DMFu)、全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS)、烷基酚(AP)和烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚(APEO)、含氯有机载体、杀虫剂、挥发性有机化合物(VOC)、短链、中链氯化石蜡
生态纺织品的概念主要来源于1991年国际生态纺织品研究与检验协会颁布的“OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100”,它强调了使用后的废弃物处理,生产过程中的处理,产品对使用者无害等。目前国际上最有影响力的生态纺织品认证是国际生态纺织品研究与检验协会的生态纺织品认证“Oeko-Tex”和欧盟的生态标签“Eco-Label”。我国也于2002年11月22日颁布了国家标准GB/T 18885-2002《生态纺织品技术要求》。
Oeko-Tex Standard 100生态纺织品标准是目前全球影响力最广的生态环保纺织品标准。针对各种纺织品和相关产品实施有毒有害物质检测认证的生态环保认证制度体系,以确保产品对人体无害。Oeko-Tex Standard 100对纱线、纤维以及各类纺织品的有害物质含量规定限值。只有严格按照检测和认证程序提供可证明品质的产品才能使用Oeko-Tex标签。Oeko-Tex Standard 100标准自从1992年制定以来,每年都会对纺织产品和管控要求进行重新评估和审核,新的版本会在每年的年初颁布,目前为2013版本。更新很大程度上是紧跟各国法规有关生态纺织品的管控有害物质。
Textile&clothing testing
Accelerated fashion seasons in the apparel and home textile industry create an urgency to quickly produce quality products that are compliant. With softline, textile, clothing and accessory companies expanding into new global markets and Most of other countries also develop their own regulations and standards on clothing and Textile products, they face an increasingly complex regulatory environment that challenges the turn-around of goods.
Due to the diverse nature of the industry, there are multiple manufacturers, suppliers and other actors along the supply chain. PRT can assist every player in this market, with its global network and services that can help you meet the requirements of regulators, distributors, retailers and consumers,wherever you are based and irrespective of the ultimate destination for your products.
Restricted Substances List (RSL) test items include:
Azo dyes, PH, Formaldehyde, Hexavalent chromium(Cr VI), Disperse dyes, Total Cadmium, Total Lead, Extractable Heavy Metals, Nickel release, organic tin compounds , Chlorinated phenols (PCP, TeCP, TriCP etc.), Plasticizers, Flame retardants, Dimethyl fumarate (DMFu), Ferfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), Alkylphenols (AP) and Alkyl phenol ethoxylates(APEO), Chlorinated organic carriers, Pesticides, Volatile organic Compounds (VOC), Short-chain Chlorinated Paraffins, Medium-chain Chlorinated Paraffins,etc.
Textile physics testing
Fabric mandatory testing (fiber ingredient labels, wash care labels, down / feather detection, fire performance testing, restricted substances)
Fabric performance tests (dimensional stability, color fastness, physical performance)
Textile Chemical tests (Restricted Substances List)
Accessories safety performance testing(Small parts testing,Buttons,Zipper performance testing)
American Association of Textile Chemists and dyes (AATCC)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST)
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Canadian General Staundards Board (CAN / CGSB)
European Standards Institute (EN)
British Standards Institution (BS)
China National Standardization Administration (GB)
China Textile Industry Standard (FZ)
China Industry Standard (QB)
Japanese Industrial Standards(JIS)
Standards Association of Australia (AS)
Mexico Officials Mexicanas (NOMS)
Association Francaise de Normalisation (AFNOR/NF)
Deutsches Institut Fur Normugn(DIN)
International organization for Standardization (ISO)
Eco-textiles concept is mainly from "OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100",which is published by the International Association for Research and Testing ecological textile in 1991, which emphasizes the waste disposal after use , the production process , product harmless. "Oeko-Tex" and the EU's "Eco-Label" are the most influential certification for ecological textile. China also issued a national standard GB / T 18885-2002 " ecological textile technical requirements ." on November 22, 2002.
Oeko-Tex Standard 100 standard ,as the world 's most widely influential eco- textile standards,is about hazardous substances testing and certification for various textile and related products to ensure products harmless . Oeko-Tex Standard 100 regulated the limit of harmful substances in the yarn , textile fibers and Oeko-Tex labeling only can be used after testing and certification according to Oeko-Tex standards. Since 1992,Oeko-Tex Standard 100 would be re-accessed the control requirement ,mostly according to existing regulation of hazardous substance in countries and regions,and the new version will be issued at the beginning of every year, which is updated to 2013 version now.
Scope: Textile fibers , yarns and various textiles (including garments, home textiles ) , this standard is not mandatory standard , commonly used for the recommended standards for exporting country.