18650充电锂电池批发 充电锂电池



    18650充电锂电池批 充电锂电池
    1.No fire, No leakage.Vibration Test”电池不爆炸,不起火,不漏液。”振动:"将满电电芯放在振动实验台上,在 90~100mins 由 10 Hz 到 55 Hz 再到10Hz 以 1Hz/min 的速率变化,振幅为 0.8mm(0.060 英寸)进行振动实

    2.The cell is to be dropped onto concrete ground from a height of 1.2 meter three times No explosion .电池从1.2米的高度下降到混凝土地面三次没有爆炸。  

    3.The pressure on the surface of the fully charged cell do not stop being raised until 17.2 Mpa when the cell is crushed by two flat surfaces.(Max13kN)"No explosion, No fire.”电池不爆炸,不起火。”Crush Test挤压满充电电池被两平板挤压。挤压的{zd0}压强为17.2Mpa,{zd0}作用力为13kN。当达到{zd0}值即停止。

    4.Heat Test高温"The temperature of the baking box which contains cell is raised to 100±2℃ at a rate of 5℃/min and then holded for ten minutes."No explosion, No fire .”电池不爆炸,不起火。"满充电电池在烘箱中测试。烘箱自室温起以5℃/min的升温速率升至100±2℃,并在100±2℃温度下保持10min。         

    5.Short-Circuit Test短路"After full charge, the positive and negative polarities are connected together by a copper wire whose resistance is less than or  equal to 0.1Ω.满充电电池用电阻不大于0.1Ω的铜导线连接其正负极至电池体温度接近室温。"

    6.Over-charge Test" "The cell is discharged following the standard discharge method. Apply a 5V power supply and a 3C charge current for 1.5hrs.”过充:电芯按照标准放电方式放完电后,采用 3C 电流 5V 电压恒流恒压充电。             
    7.Standard environmental test condition/测试件        
       Unless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this Product Specification are conducted at below condition.                    
     Temperature:25±2℃   Relative humidity :65±20%                       
     温度:25±2℃   相对湿度:65±20%                       

    .虎泉实业|||18650充电锂电池批发 充电锂电池
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