



    【供应Beeprog2C 烧录器】价格,厂家,图片,集成电路/IC,东莞嘉多利

    Beeprog2C 万用烧录器采用USB接口,支持烧录各种不同类型和不同工艺的芯片而且不需要任何模组,满足您现在和将来的需求。通过用ISP连接器,烧录器可以在电路板上烧直接烧录芯片。Beeprog2C 不仅具备烧录器功能,而且具有TTL/COMS逻辑IC测试和存储器功能。

    Beeprog2C通过USB(2.0/1.1)口或者任何标准并行(打印机)口就能连接到IBM 486或级别更高的PC.手提.台式电脑.烧录器也支持IEEE1284(ECP/EPP)高速并口。支持选择的USB/LPT口把BeeProg2C连接到任一PC



    BeeHive304--ELNEC 量产烧录器


    四个独立的通用烧录座程序烧录非常适合高需求的桌面编程和自动编程系统基于先进的FPGA设计,强大的ARM处理器和内部SSD,BeeHive304准备项目设备速度理论上可行4×64 -针丰富的特性,jing确的和强大的pindriver提供编程信号可编程设备的每一个技术它支持设备VCC电压0.8 v超快速的编程速度,全球最快的程序员之一。可持续的编程速度大于22.5 mb每秒2 GB eMMC NAND闪存芯片在不到100秒就可以完成,如果支持内存不够快它利用通用编程模块,专用集成电路bao装类型和专门的模块,设计优化为特定设备的家庭编程模块接口的ESD保护每针(pindriver也支持信号)双重连接到PC:USB(2.0高速)和局域网(1 Gbit)舒适的和易于使用的控制程序,适用于所有版本的Windows从Windows XP到Windows 8.1(32位和64位)两个BeeHive304单元可以被附加到一个控制电脑更好地利用编程工作实现到可用的第三方自动化程序员和吃机器使用简单的远程控制一个软件可以高达64编程网站在一个自动化的程序员(16 x BeeHive304程序员)独特的快速反应客户的需求——软件更新,可以在{yt}之内完成 高速兼容USB 2.0端口,480 Mbit / s的传输速率100 mbit局域网端口车载智能:强大的处理器(ARM9 400 MHz)和基于FPGA的状态机(基本时钟50 MHz加锁相环)内置mSATA SSD的内部缓冲区(32 gb,升级到更高容量)3 D / A转换器VCC1、VCC2 VPP,可控的上升和下降时间VCC1 VCC2范围0.8 v . .(步骤10 mv 7 v / 1)VPP范围0 v . .25 v / 1(步骤25 mv)温度可控的设置自我测试功能防止激增和ESD电源输入,USB和局域网端口和别针的编程模块接口(PMI)(IEC1000-4-2:15千伏空气,8千伏联系)防静电手腕带连接两个垫圈连接螺钉pindrivers:64通用VCC1 / VCC2和VPP可以连接到每个销2个独立的基于FPGA的TTL,提供H、L、CLK,引体向上,下拉在所有pindriver别针,逻辑0级,75 v - 5 v(人工和IOH目前20 ma)逻辑信号频率:125 mhz(3.3 v),80 mhz(5 v)模拟pindriver输出电平选择25 V 0.8 V当前限制、过电流关闭电源故障关闭连续性试验。









    BeeHive208S programmer is practically identical with the BeeHive8S programmer, difference is 'only' much higher programming speed (up to 10x) of high-capacity memories.The BeeHive208S is an extremely fast universal 8x 48-pin-drive Stand-Alone concurrent multiprogramming system designed for high volume production programming with minimal operator effort. The chips are programmed at near theoretical maximum programming speed.The BeeHive208S consists of 8 independent isolated universal programming modules, based on the BeeProg2 programmer 硬件. Therefore the sockets can run asynchronously (concurrent programming mode). Each programming module starts programming at the moment the chip is detected as inserted in the socket properly - independent of the status of the other programming modules. As a result, seven programming modules can be working while replacing the programmed chip on the eighth.Graphics control unit with touch screen provides basic control and easy monitoring of the programming flow.Modular construction of the硬件 - the programming modules work independently - allowing for continued operation if a part of the circuit becomes inoperable. It also makes service quick and easy.Hands-free operation: asynchronous and concurrent operation allows a chip to begin programming immediately upon insertion. The operator merely removes the finished chip and inserts a new chip. Operator training is therefore minimized.Supports all types of the silicon technologies found in the programmable devices of today and tomorrow without family-specific modules. You can be sure that new device support will require only a software update and (if necessary) a simple package convertor (programming adapter), therefore minimizing ownership costs.Using built-in in-circuit serial programming (ISP) connector, the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in bines very competitive pricing with excellent 硬件 design for reli

    郑重声明:产品 【嘉多利、ELNEC编程器价格_ic烧录器_ic烧录器采购】由 东莞市嘉多利精密电子有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。