





     海赛岐MVE液氮罐新品首     厂用迷你型气相液氮罐XC34/18 PLUS

     NER performance ~ 0.40 

     with a dynamic hold time of ~ 109 days with liquid capacity 67.5 liters (no racks)

     Smaller tank if CS6000F is too large


     具有动态保持时间的NER能~ 0.40

     109d ~ 109彐d,赛岐贸易,.赛岐贸易|||带TS控制器气相液氮罐XC47,11,6


     如果CS6000F太大,XC34/18 PLUS变小。

     Features Include:



     Designed specifically for both liquid & vapor storage 

     Sealed canisters prevent LN2 ingress

      Elevated storage area to protect the samples and keep them above the liquid nitrogen

      Maintains cryogenic temperatures in vapor phase















     海赛岐MVE液氮罐新品首     厂用迷你型气相液氮罐XC34/18 PLUS

     NER performance ~ 0.40

     with a dynamic hold time of ~ 109 days with liquid capacity 67.5 liters (no racks)

     Smaller tank if CS6000F is too large



     具有动态保持时间的NER能~ 0.40


     109d ~ 109d,


     如果CS6000F廴太大,XC34/18 PLUS变小。


     Features Include:



     Designed specifically for both liquid & vapor storage

     Sealed canisters prevent LN2 ingress


     Elevated storage area to protect the samples and keep them above the liquid nitrogen


     Maintains cryogenic temperatures in vapor phase





















     海赛岐MVE液氮罐新品首     厂用迷你型气相液氮罐XC34/18 PLUS

     NER performance ~ 0.40

     with a dynamic hold time of ~ 109 days with liquid capacity 67.5 liters (no racks)

     Smaller tank if CS6000F is too large



     具有动态保持时间的NER能~ 0.40


     109d ~ 109d,


     如果CS6000F太大,XC34/18 PLUS变小。


     Features Include:



     Designed specifically for both liquid & vapor storage

     Sealed canisters prevent LN2 ingress


     Elevated storage area to protect the samples and keep them above the liquid nitrogen


     Maintains cryogenic temperatures in vapor phase















    郑重声明:产品 【带TS控制器气相液氮罐XC47-11-6】由 上海赛岐贸易有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。