




     海赛岐贸易有限公司 市场部






     The Lab Series cryogenic liquid dewars are named for their acceptance in laboratories and medical fa- cilities worldwide. These high-efficiency, super insulated dewars are the most convenient, economical way to store and dispense liquid nitrogen. Many lab units can be fitted with pouring spouts, pressurized dispensing devices or dippers to aid in the transfer of liquid nitrogen.

     Features Include:

     Designed for efficient storage of liquid nitrogen

     Low liquid nitrogen consumption

     Convenient lightweight package











     LN2 Capacity w/o Inventory

     L est.

     Static Evaporation Rate*


     Neck Opening in. (mm) Overall Height in. (mm) Usable Height in. (mm) Outer Diameter in. (mm) Internal Diameter in. (mm) Weight Empty lb. (kg) Weight Full lb. (kg)





     海赛岐贸易有限公司 市场部











     The Lab Series cryogenic liquid dewars are named for their acceptance in laboratories and medical fa- cilities worldwide. These high-efficiency, super insulated dewars are the most convenient, economical way to store and dispense liquid nitrogen. Many lab units can be fitted with pouring spouts, pressurized dispensing devices or dippers to aid in the transfer of liquid nitrogen.


     Features Include:


     Designed for efficient storage of liquid nitrogen


     Low liquid nitrogen consumption


     Convenient lightweight package





















     LN2 Capacity w/o Inventory


     L est.


     Static Evaporation Rate*




     Neck Opening in. (mm) Overall Height in. (mm) Usable Height in. (mm) Outer Diameter in. (mm) Internal Diameter in. (mm) Weight Empty lb. (kg) Weight Full lb. (kg)






     海赛岐贸易有限公司 市场部











     The Lab Series cryogenic liquid dewars are named for their acceptance in laboratories and medical fa- cilities worldwide. These high-efficiency, super insulated dewars are the most convenient, economical way to store and dispense liquid nitrogen. Many lab units can be fitted with pouring spouts, pressurized dispensing devices or dippers to aid in the transfer of liquid nitrogen.


     Features Include:


     Designed for efficient storage of liquid nitrogen


     Low liquid nitrogen consumption


     Convenient lightweight package





















     LN2 Capacity w/o Inventory


     L est.


     Static Evaporation Rate*




     Neck Opening in. (mm) Overall Height in. (mm) Usable Height in. (mm) Outer Diameter in. (mm) Internal Diameter in. (mm) Weight Empty lb. (kg) Weight Full lb. (kg)




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