NFD60-013 座椅可燃性测试
NFD60-013 座椅可燃性测试-标准名称
NFD60-013 Protocol for assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture - Ignition source equivalent to a burning 20 g paper cushion - Coverings and upholstery materials
NFD60-013 家具-装璜家具可燃性的鉴定-等效于点燃20g纸垫的点火源-包装和装潢材料
ERP公共建筑的法国标准规范,对于建筑内饰材料的规定做了一些调整。在AM18条款下,NFD60-013:2006(软体座椅鉴定–等效于点燃20g纸垫的点火源-包装和装潢材料)防火测试已正式替代了电影院座椅的法标M等级测试。燃烧器是一个较小的Belfagor燃烧器。NFD60-013标准参考借鉴了EN 1021-3草案的相关规定。
Flammability requirements for seating in France
In the French regulations for public buildings ERP, some changes have occurred for building interiors (Aménagements Intérieurs AM). Under Article AM18, the French M tests for seats in cinemas have been replaced by NF D60-013 of June 2006 (Protocol for evaluating the ignitability of upholstered seating – Ignition source equivalent to a burning 20 gram paper cushion – covers and upholstery). The burner is a smaller Belfagor burner. This standard is based on the EN 1021-3 draft, which was finally not adopted as a European standard.
NFD60-013 座椅可燃性测试-参考标准
Pr EN 1021-3 软垫家具易燃性
BS 5852-2006: 软垫座椅闷烧及火焰燃烧测试
BS EN 1021-1家具-软垫家具的可燃性燃烧香烟测试
BS EN 1021-2家具-软垫家具的可燃性等同火柴火源测试
BS 7176有软垫的非家用座椅类产品的阻燃测试规范
TB 117-2013 软体家具的弹性填充材料的阻燃测试
NFPA 260软体家具组件抗香烟引燃测试
UIC 564-2 附录13 确定座椅的耐火特性的试验方法
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