双筒夜视仪 白俄罗斯Yukon 2.5x50(夜视枪瞄)



    双筒夜视仪 白俄罗斯Yukon 2.5x50(夜视枪瞄) 现货供应.
    中视互联IT88网上商城 www.it88.com.cn 电话:010-5166.4988 (欢迎登录网站查看或电话询问、获取{zx1}价格)
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             Yukon nvrs titanium 2.5x50 tactical internal focus night vision riflescope
    名称:Yukon NVRS Tactical Internal Focus Gen 1 2.5x50 Night Vision Rifle Scope
    商品介绍:Model 26014WLT
    放大倍率,: 2.5X
    物镜,mm :50
    出瞳直径, degree: 15
    视野角度, mm :45
    分辨率, lines/mm: 36
    工作电源, V 3 :(2AA)
    工作温度, °C: -30 - + 40
    {zd0}湿度:!!!%: 93
    体积:mm 270x80x85
    Body Description
    Yukon nvrs-f 2.5x50 titanium body
титановый корпус nvrs-f 2.5x50 NVRS-F 2.5x50 is equipped with one Weaver - rail on the body to attach diverse accessories: Yukon DSAS, Laser Aimer, Yukon IR-Flashlight. This is remarkable with its mass-dimensional characteristics and high light gathering capabilities. Small weight is provided by especially strong and light titanium body.
    Optics / Performance
    Yukon nvrs-f 2.5x50 objective lens
объектив nvrs-f 2.5x50 NVRS-F lenses have high frequent - contrast characteristics. All optical units are made of a qualitative glass with plotting of multilayer clarifying coatings. On cleanness a field of vision the riflescopes meet the requirements of the most exacting buyers and are considered as one of best.
    Electronics / Performance
    overview_electronics_and_perfomance.jpg NVRS-F 2.5x50 has a noiseless power supply unit, designed specially for the Yukon Advanced Optics`night vision riflescopes. The electric equipment units of the riflescopes are reliably isolated, therefore a negative effect of the magnetic field of the Earth on a position of the aiming reticle is completely eliminated.

    双筒夜视仪 白俄罗斯Yukon 2.5x50(夜视枪瞄) 现货供应.
    中视互联IT88网上商城 www.it88.com.cn 电话:010-5166.4988 (欢迎登录网站查看或电话询问、获取{zx1}价格)
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