便携式气象站(6要素-风速,风向,气温,气压,降雨,相对湿度,带RS232计算机接口 美国优势) 型号:M260278



    便携式气象站(6要素-风速,风向,气温,气压,降雨,相对湿度,带RS232计算机接口 美国优势) 型号:T9M260278



    The Model T9M260278 Modular Weather Station is a
    computer-based meteorological system designed as
    a “user-friendly” solution for data storage and real-
    time monitoring of weather conditions. The
    standard package includes:

    • Wind Speed
    • Wind Directions
    • Air Temperature
    • Relative Humidity
    • Barometric Pressure
    • Precipitation
    • Data Logger
    • Tripod & Mast
    • Solar Radiation Shield for
    • Cables & Mounts
    • Set-Up Disk

    Additional Sensor options include solar
    radiation, water or soil temperature, auxiliary
    air temperature, rain gauge upgrade,
    evaporation and soil moisture.

    The unique modular system design provides

    plug-and-play functionality for adding or
    replacing sensors. The T9M260278 Data
    Acquisition Module includes the following
    features larger nonvolatile memory, selectable
    averaging intervals, 12 bit analog conversion,
    0.1% F.S. accuracy, two alarm outputs, and
    ptional modem communications. o

    The T9M260278 is supplied with an attractive
    desktop data acquisition module with a memory capacity of 128KB RAM (approximately
    45 days at 15 minute intervals with 6 sensors). The standard system includes a 120Vac
    power adapter and RS232 serial port for connection to a personal computer. For outdoor
    or remote applications, two enclosure options are available. One is for sites with AC
    power and the other utilizes a solar panel. Both options include a NEMA-4X enclosure
    and rechargeable battery to allow continued operation in the event of power failure.

    Data can be viewed using Windows HyperTerminal or other terminal programs such as
    Procomm. A one page real-time text display or an ASCII row and column format may be
    selected. A menu is provided for setting the date and time, alarms, logging interval etc.
    Optional graphical displays software is available for viewing real-time and historical data
    charts and graphs.

    Data Acquisition Module
    Reporting units: English or Metric, all
    Operating power: 10-16 Vdc
    Power consumption: 60 mA maximum
    Serial port: 9-pin d-sub connector,
    selectable baud rate, flow control
    Memory: 128KB RAM, nonvolatile (45 days
    at 15 minute intervals with
    6 sensors) Expandable to 256KB or 512KB.

    Operating Temperature
    Transducers: -40° to 140° F (-40° to 60° C)
    Data acquisition module: -40° to 140° F (-
    40° to 60° C)

    Format: MM/DD and HH:MM

    Accuracy: ± 30 seconds/month

    Barometric Pressure
    Range: 28.25 to 30.75 inches Hg
    Measurement span: 2.50 inches Hg (85
    Resolution: ± 0.01 inch Hg or ± 0.3 hpa
    Altitude offset: 0 to +10,000 feet,
    screwdriver adjustable
    Absolute Accuracy: .05 inches Hg

    Wind Speed
    Range: 0 to 125 mph (0-57 m/s)
    Resolution: > 0.1 mph
    Accuracy: ± 1 mph
    Starting threshold: 0.8 mph
    Time constant: 2 seconds

    Wind Direction
    Range: 0-360°
    Resolution: > 1%
    Accuracy: + 1°F
    Starting threshold:
    WS02E: 1.2 mph
    WS05E: 0.5mph
    Relative Humidity
    Range: 0-{bfb} RH
    Accuracy: + 3% (10-90%)

    Wind Direction
    Range: 0 - 360°
    Resolution: > 1%
    Accuracy: + 3%

    Solar Radiation
    Sensor: Silicon Pyranometer
    Spectral range: .4 to 1.1 microns
    Sensitivity: 80 mV / 1000w/m² approx
    Accuracy: + 5%
    Ordering Information
    T9M260278 Modular Weather Station
    includes the following components:
    T9M260278D Data Acquisition Module in
    Desktop Enclosure,
    includes set-up disk and 6’ serial cable
    WS02E Wind Speed/Direction Sensor,
    40' cable
    T9M260278TH Outdoor Temperature &
    Relative Humidity Sensor,
    40' cable
    T9M260278THS Solar Radiation Shield for
    temp/rh sensor
    T9M260278BP Barometric Pressure Sensor,
    18" cable
    T9M260278RC Rain Gauge, includes
    mounting arm and 40' cable
    T9M260278TM 5' Tripod & 5' Sensor Mast (8’
    T9M260278P Power Supply, for desktop
    enclosure, 120Vac
    T9M260278EPA High Sensitivity Modular
    Weather Station
    same as above but with:
    WS05E High Sensitivity Wind Sensor,
    40' cable
    T9M241270 Air Quality Particulate Air Monitor
    便携式气象站(6要素-风速,风向,气温,气压,降雨,相对湿度,带RS232计算机接口 美国优势)T9M260278

    便携式气象站(6要素-风速,风向,气温,气压,降雨,相对湿度,带RS232计算机接口 美国优势)T9M260278
    郑重声明:产品 【便携式气象站(6要素-风速,风向,气温,气压,降雨,相对湿度,带RS232计算机接口 美国优势) 型号:M260278 】由 北京中西远大科技有限公司兰州办事处 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。