The use of aquarium filters
Anyone who may raise fish knows that the aquarium filter is a device that is specially used to replenish oxygen in clean water in fish farming equipment. Its use is:
       First, in order to remove dirt such as feces.
       Second, in order to maintain the clear water, oxygen, no harmful substances, no pollution, to create a comfortable environment for the growth of fish.
      How Aquarium Filters Work
       As a fish tank filter, there must be two or more filtration methods. Currently, the main filtration methods are: physical filtration, biochemical filtration, chemical filtration, and adsorption filtration. As long as the power supply is plugged in, it will continue to work. Below, Xiao Bian came to chase after introducing the principles of various filtering methods.
       Physical filtration: It uses mechanical methods to separate out large particles from the water. Such as the remaining feed pellets, dead fish bones, fish excreta, secretions, vomit, surface mucus, etc., generally use sponges, spray cotton, fine mesh nylon mesh, palm leaf fibers and so on. It is usually set at the initial end of the filtration system for easy cleaning.
       Biological Filtration: Cultures beneficial bacteria that break down harmful elements such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, phosphates, etc. through bacteria. The commonly used filters are: bio-balls, ceramic rings, glass rings, coral sands, etc. (the most important filtration method to maintain the ecosystem)
       Chemical filtration: It is a method of using chemical agents to remove water impurities. The used preparations include water stabilizers, flocculants, algaecides, protein decomposers, deodorants, and the like.
       Adsorption filtration: It is wood, coal, fruit shells, animal bones and other substances with high carbon content can adsorb protein, trace elements in seawater, decolorize, remove odor, even the ozone molecules can also be absorbed by it. The urine of the fish, the microalgae in the water, and the drugs can also be absorbed by it. Since the nitrifying bacteria must live in filter cotton, glass rings or sand in flowing water, the filter should be opened 24 hours.
       Filtration equipment is of utmost importance for fish tanks. A suitable filter can reduce the number of water changes in the fish tank, and it can also provide a good water quality environment for the fish. If you have any other doubts about the aquarium filter, it can be good with nature. Aquariums get in touch to solve problems related to filtering.
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