主要技术指标:100 kHz 至 1.5 GHz /3 GHz
E5061B|Agilent E5061B ENA网络分析仪 E5061B RF NA 选件 ? 100 kHz 至 1.5 GHz /3 GHz ? 传输/反射测试仪和 S 参数测试仪 ? 50 Ω 和 75 Ω 系统阻抗
E5061B|Agilent E5061B ENA网络分析仪
E5061B 测试仪选件
50 Ω射频网络分析仪选件
E5061B-115 发射/反射测试仪, 100 kHz 至 1.5 GHz, 50 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-215 S 参数测试仪, 100 kHz 至 1.5 GHz, 50 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-135 发射/反射测试仪, 100 kHz 至 3 GHz, 50 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-235 S 参数测试仪, 100 kHz 至 3 GHz, 50 Ω系统阻抗
75 Ω射频网络分析仪选件
E5061B-117 发射/反射测试仪, 100 kHz 至 1.5 GHz, 75 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-217 S 参数测试仪, 100 kHz 至 1.5 GHz, 75 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-137 发射/反射测试仪, 100 kHz 至 3 GHz, 75 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-237 S 参数测试仪, 100 kHz 至 3 GHz, 75 Ω系统阻抗
E5061B-3L5 具有直流偏置源的低频-射频网络分析仪, 5 Hz 至 3 GHz
There are often times when you need to quickly check or ,uate the DC to RF performance of components
and circuits which were previously analyzed with a dedicated impedance analyzer. The convenience of
impedance analysis capabilities built into a network analyzer would address this scenario by providing
enough dynamic range and RF performance to ensure reliability, signal integrity and EMI performance of
your system.
Whether you need to measure basic S-parameters or analyze device or circuit impedance, a vector network
analyzer (VNA) with the right mix of speed and performance will give you an edge. In R&D and on the
production line, Keysight ENA vector network analyzers provide the throughput, repeatability and reliability
you need to perform accurate, dependable tests that transform parts into competitive components. The
E5061B ENA vector network analyzer covers 5 Hz up to 3.0 GHz (Option 3L5), addressing low-frequency (LF)
and radio-frequency (RF) measurements. With the impedance analysis capability (Option 005), the E5061B
addresses a wide range of LF and RF applications.
This application note describes five common impedance analysis approaches used with impedance
analyzers and network analyzers. It also describes how and when to use the E5061B for impedance analysis.
Major topics include test ports, impedance analysis capabilities, measurement methods, and calibration
techniques. The note concludes with a variety of examples ranging from basic component measurements
(e.g., inductors and capacitors) to in-circuit impedance measurements.
郑重声明:资讯 【安捷伦E5061B闲置现货回收】由 东莞市亿测电子有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【
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