Comparing with the installation of electric lighting fixtures in a city, there are complicated working procedures in the lighting fixtures project. First of all, cable should be laid. Here, a large number of basic projects, such as cable trench excavation, buried pipe laying, pipeline crossing and backfilling, should be carried out. Then long-term installation and debugging, if any line has problems, large areas of rework. Moreover, the terrain and line requirements are complex, and the cost of manual and auxiliary materials is high. Solar lighting installation is simple: Solar lighting installation, do not need to lay complex lines, as long as a cement base, and then fixed with stainless steel screw.
Compared with the high electricity charges of the electric lighting lamps in the two cities, there are fixed high electricity charges in the work of the electric lighting lamps in the two cities. The maintenance or replacement of the lines and other configurations should be carried out uninterruptedly for a long time, and the maintenance cost increases year by year. Solar lighting is free of electricity charges: Solar lighting is a one-time investment, without any maintenance costs, three years can recover investment costs, long-term benefits.
Compared with the three city electric lighting lamps, the city electric lighting lamps have many potential safety hazards, such as construction quality, landscape engineering transformation, material aging, abnormal power supply, water and gas pipeline conflict and so on.
Solar lighting has no potential safety hazards: Solar lamps are ultra-low voltage products, safe and reliable operation. Other advantages of solar lighting: green environmental protection, can add new selling points for the development and promotion of noble ecological community; sustainable reduction of property management costs, reduce the cost of public share of owners.