What are the operating procedures of chiller

What are the operating procedures of chiller? Here's a brief overview:

1. It is mentioned from the chiller that has never been turned on for refrigeration that the contraction opportunity is to inhale the refrigerant and low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas from the suction pipe, and then to contract. The contraction will make the refrigerant hot and the pressure will be higher.

2. After the completion of contraction, the contraction opportunity will remove the refrigerant gas from the exhaust pipe that has been contracted and still becomes high temperature and high pressure.

After the refrigerant into the condenser, the condenser start promoting effect, the condenser will not work positively, it would only remove the gas because of the shrinking machine and forced to work, rather than the components is a part, the role of the condenser is condensation, that is cooling refrigerant, refrigerant of high temperature and high pressure gas cooling condenser cooling into a liquid. And its working mode is the copper tube of the primary and secondary condenser to carry out heat dissipation, which spreads out the heat of the copper tube (the heat originally brought by the shrinkage machine to the refrigerant and the refrigerant itself) through water cooling or air cooling.

According to the difference between air cooling and water coolers, the cooling medium of the condenser may be water or air (air cooling).

3. The refrigerant that is still being cooled will be one of the important parts of the starting and ending chiller, and then the refrigerant will be throttled into a low-pressure and low-temperature refrigerant liquid.

4, the refrigerant liquid will enter the evaporator, the goal of entering the evaporator is to absorb the heat of the target equipment, the heat absorption will vaporize, the refrigerant from liquid into gas again, after being recovered by the system, into the contraction machine again, for recycling.

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