Non-inductive resistance applications and different manufacturing methods
Non-inductive resistance applications and different manufacturing methods
Non-inductive resistance is a very key rheostat product, used in many electronic equipment manufacturing non-inductive resistance, and non-inductive winding resistance number of applications the most, the range of use is also wide!
Without feeling wire wound resistor in fact is a rational rheostat, without feeling winding resistance of relativity only resistor, a way of saying in according to the belt winding magnetic materials and unique way to reduce the no sense wire wound resistor inductance caliber, close to the ideal of pure resistor, consider the medium frequency power supply circuit and high frequency power supply must be in the circuit. There are three ways to make non-inductive resistance, namely, cross-wound non-inductive resistance, double-wire winding non-inductive resistance, porcelain tube or resistance bracket winding non-inductive resistance.
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