What to pay attention to when buying smart door locks?
      A lot of kinds of smart door locks are on the market, when buying, also need to decide according to oneself family circumstance. Jiegao hardware prompt you in the purchase of smart door lock, the following four aspects are the focus, are: function, lock core, material, brand.
      1. Functionality
The primary purpose of buying smart door locks is to make the home more secure, so the first is to look at its functional aspects, to be durable, safe and stable. Today's smart door lock products are technically sufficient to address most of people's security needs. Smart door locks have a variety of methods, such as fingerprint unlock, mobile phone remote unlock, password unlock, voice unlock, face recognition unlock, mechanical key unlock. Therefore, it is recommended that consumers choose smart locks of at least two or more ways.
      2. Pay attention to the lock core of the smart door lock

      Lock core is the heart of the door lock, is the security of all intelligent locks. One thing you need to know is that no lock is {bfb} secure. Smart locks are already much safer than mechanical locks. As mentioned above, the anti-theft property of smart door lock is much higher than that of mechanical door lock. Currently, smart door lock is divided into A, B and B grade (class C) level, A and B class lock one of the thieves use tools as long as A few minutes to open, and the super class B (C) even lock core technology lock in standard minimum 1 hour, guard against theft is relatively high, but basic on the market have not C smart locks lock core, one kind is class B or class B. 

      3. Selection of appearance

      The product that suggests user choose and buy and oneself inside door body is tonal send, can maintain domestic outfit style to coordinate so. In the material aspect, choose the full metal material to ensure the durability and safety of the product.
      4. Choosing a brand is choosing a service
      Behind the brand is the product after - sales service system support. Jie gao hardware reminds everybody, do not pursue brand too much, and should pay more attention to the after sale service that the businessman provides, because so the product that we buy still can get corresponding safeguard, ability lets our home become safer truly.
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