Statement on counterfeiting "makad" trademark in the market
Solemn statement

"Makad" trademark is legally registered by the State Administration for Industry and commerce. Recently, it is found that some illegal businesses are engaged in selling fake and inferior products with fake "makad" trademark in the market for profit, which seriously disrupts the market, damages the interests of our company, dealers and customers, and seriously affects the reputation of makad brand and infringes on the trademark right of the company. The company will investigate the infringer's liability through all possible legal channels.

In order to avoid purchasing fake products, the supplier must be required to provide the valid power of attorney issued by the company during the project inspection, and check with the company for confirmation. We will call our company to protect our products.

Hereby declare!
郑重声明:资讯 【Statement on counterfeiting "makad" trademark in the market】由 Maichuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku #或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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