What is ATC for machine tools

*What is ATC in CNC Machine

Generally, an Automatic tool changer or ATC is used in computerized numerical control (CNC) machine tools to improve the production and tool carrying capacity of the machine. ATC changes the tool very quickly, reducing the non-productive time. Generally, it is used to improve the capacity of the machine to work with a number of tools. It is also used to change worn out or broken tools. It is one more step towards complete automation.

Simple CNC machines work with a single tool. Turrets can work with a large number of tools. But if even more tools are required, then ATC is provided. The tools are stored on a magazine. It allows the machine to work with a large number of tools without an operator. The main parts of an automatic tool changer are the base, the gripper arm, the tool holder, the support arm and tool magazines. Although the ATC increases the reliability, speed and accuracy, it creates more challenges compared to manual tool change, for example the tooling used must be easy to centre, be easy for the changer to grab and there should be a simple way to provide the tool’s self-disengagement. Tools used in ATC are secured in toolholders specially designed for this purpose.

*Why to choose the ATC CNC Machine?

Equipped with automatic tool changing device, which can meet the tool changing requirements during processing without manual participation. With simple and easy operation mode to learn, which can help users quickly grasp the use of methods and greatly improve production efficiency. 

*Types of ATC in CNC:

Depending on the shape of the magazine, ATC can be of two types: 

1) Drum Type changers(Disc/ carousel Types) are used when the number of tools is lower than 30. The tools are stored on the periphery of the drum. 

2) Chain type changers(Liner Types) are used when the number of tools is higher than 30(The number is different depending on the design and manufacturer. It is important to note that the number of tools for the drum type is fewer than the chain type). But the tool search speed will be lower in this case.

*Automatic Tool Changer Mechanism:

After receiving the tool change command, the tool to be changed will assume a fixed position known as the “tool change position”. The ATC arm comes to this position and picks up the tool. The arm swivels between machine turret and magazine. It will have one gripper on each of the two sides. Each gripper can rotate 90°, to deliver tools to the front face of the turret. One will pick up the old tool from turret and the other will pick up the new tool from the magazine. It then rotates to 180° and places the tools into their due position.

According to the different tool changing methods, the ATC CNC engraving machine can be subdivided into linear ATC CNC and disc ATC CNC machines. 

Now we are talking about the linear ATC CNC Machine. This type machine uses a straight-line tool change device, and the tool change device can be installed in different positions according to the specific needs of the user. Firstly, the in-line tool magazine can be placed behind the bed. This conventional in-line tool changer engraving machine is cost-effective and can meet a variety of processing requirements for complex work pieces without high procurement costs. Secondly, the in-line tool magazine can also be placed under the gantry. 

Next we are talking about the carousel ATC CNC Machine. 

This type machine is also one of the most selected by users. The position of the disc magazine can also be selected according to user needs. On the one hand, the disc magazine can be placed next to the spindle. The biggest advantage of this type machine is the fast tool change. However, the number of tool bits should be guaranteed to be within 20 tools. If the number of tool exceeds 20, the weight of the cutter head will increase, which will affect the bearing capacity of the Z axis and the gantry, especially the Z axis screw and the guide rail slider. And all these will affect machining accuracy. On the other hand, the disc magazine can be placed on the side of the gantry. 

*Functions of ATC CNC Machine:

The use of automatic changers increases the productive time and reduces the unproductive time to a large extent. It provides the storage of the tools which are returned automatically to the machine tool after carrying out the required operations, increases the flexibility of the machine tool, makes it easier to change heavy and large tools, and permits the automatic renewal of cutting edges.

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