6 steps of assembly line installation
Detailed elaboration of the drum assembly line device step according to the drum assembly line equipment map to determine the longitudinal centerline of the equipment, this is the drum assembly line equipment datum, in the workshop outside, usually with the plant column network as the benchmark marked, draw the longitudinal centerline of the drum assembly line. Assume that the equipment associated with the drum line is now in the equipment position.

Drum assembly line manufacturer introduces six installation steps of drum assembly line

(1) Determine the longitudinal center line of the equipment according to the device diagram of the drum assembly line, which is the device datum of the drum assembly line. In the workshop, the longitudinal center line of the drum assembly line is usually marked with the column network of the workshop as the datum.

(2) If the equipment related to the drum assembly line is installed at the first position, the relevant scale of the adjacent equipment is the main basis to determine the center line, and the scale of the relationship with the plant column network is only for reference. In this way, more can ensure that the drum assembly line system can safely rely on the operation.

(3) concluded that after the center position, according to the installation drawing request will rack and leg, and the drive device and motor, then device nylon article, good gear chain, transmission roller and redirection sprocket (device shall ensure that the two sprockets end) in the same plane, in order to adjust motor bearing so that the chain tension.

(4) Device adjustment foot. Make sure the adjusting foot reaches the planning device size.

(5) Device guardrail, electrical control system, motor cover, etc.

(6) Check and open the air machine test. Adjust those that do not meet planning requirements and standards. During the test run, check the tightness of the chain and the meshing condition of the chain and roller sprocket, and timely adjust if not appropriate.

Related labels: drum assembly line manufacturer http://www.kaizheng.com/
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