titanium dioxide

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Titanium dioxide (titanium dioxide) in the paint industry are widely used and important white pigment. titanium dioxide can effectively scatter visible light given to products whiteness, brightness and opacity.



 UNMASS® titanium dioxide through extensive reflection of light to enhance the opacity of the paint film. White pigment can strongly scattering or refraction of light and cause this reflex. All visible through the white paint at the time will be reflective, so that the paint film appears opaque, white and bright.  titanium dioxide will be the most degrees to enhance the ability to cover, weathering performance, improve shading intensity, and to ensure any consistency between batches.


 UNMASS® has a high-tech you need, in many of the manufacturers of titanium dioxide, and its production capacity, product quality and technical support and so was ranked very good.

Titanium dioxide :

Rutile Products Code Anatase Products Code

Titanium dioxide

CR502 Titanium dioxide  A200
Titanium dioxide CR503

Titanium dioxide 

Titanium dioxide  R1930 Titanium dioxide B101
Titanium dioxide  R1931 Titanium dioxide  B101
Titanium dioxide  R218 Titaniumdioxide   B101
Titanium dioxide  R216 Titanium dioxide  A100
Titanium dioxide R288 Titanium dioxide  A101
Titanium dioxide  R299 Titanium dioxide  A102
Titanium dioxide R909 Enamel  grade  titanium dioxide LT-E
Titanium dioxide R217 Ceramics grade titanium dioxide LT-C
nanno-grade titanium dioxide UNR Chemical fiber  titanium dioxide LT-F
 Lithopone                 立德粉 B301  Lithopone                 立德粉 B311

Applications :

Used in powder coatings

Used in Florocarbon paint

Used in color masterbatch

Used in Water-solubility coatings

proprietary material of steeling plastic



1,Detail technical data such as tinting strength, oil absorption, fineness, titanium dioxide content, BET surface area as well as other information is available for customers reference upon request.

2, Please mention the product code number when you contact us for purchase or service.

Contact us
Mr. Zhang (Managing Director)

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