
雅香茗茶,源于中华名茶铁观音的故乡----安溪,是一个以生产、销售高品质铁观音茶叶为主营方向,推广绿色健康生活方式 、弘扬中华传统文化的连锁经营品牌。



    From Anxi, the home of the famous Chinese tea Tieguanyin, YAXIANG is a brand of chain who produces and sells high-quality Tieguanyin, promotes the green and healthy lifestyle, and carries forward the traditional Chinese culture all over the world.
   Anxi Tieguanyin has a long history. Hundreds of years since the king of Yongzheng (1725-1735) from the Qing dynasty, the intelligent Anxi people have been developing the tea-making techniques over generations, and created a unique and sophisticated technology of making the best green tea. Today, not only inheriting the traditional techniques of tea processing from ancestors,YAXIANG has also integrated the modern science and technology with the advanced management methods. We introduced the production and  model of the French wine industry; via the strict quality control mechanisms and industry-scale production, we have achieved the pre-, during and after-production quality and safety control in the entire process. Through brand strategy and chain operations, our mission is, with the tea as the media, to promote the values of healthy living with rich cultural connotation and  to more and more people.

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