
神龙产品遍布全国,符合国家标准化的规定,广泛应用于工业控制系统、交通、计算机网络、通讯、 保安、监控、广播电视、国防、金融等行业

Beijing dragon room equipment manufacturing is a production monitoring console, console, TV wall, monitoring control cabinets, network cabinets, console, multimedia platform, multimedia teaching platform, audio-visual station, steel platform, control platform and other electrical equipment of large private enterprises.

Dragon in order to" quality as the basis, for the integrity of the bridge, the customer first, the user first," for the purpose of. Efforts to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, with our efforts for you to create high-quality pre-sale, sale and after sale services the entire process, with the majority of users to establish various forms of cooperation. Your request, is our continuous pursuit!

Dragon products all over the country, in line with the provisions of national standardization, widely used in industrial control systems, traffic, computer networks, communications, security, monitoring, radio and television, national defense, financial and other industries.

监控台:  http://www.bjsljg.com/

监控电视墙: http://www.bjsljg.com/

监控机柜:  http://www.bjsljg.com/

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