广州赛宾声学工程技术有限公司 GUANGZHOU SAIBIN ACOUSTIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (数字影院)Digital Cinema 我们专注建设身临其境的全新数字影院体验。 We focus on the construction of the new digital cinema experience. 提供数字影院建设咨询、设计、施工,监理,采购和总承包服务。 We provide digital cinema construction consulting, design, construction, supervision, procurement and contract services. 效率、经济及全面的系统集成解决方案支持数字影院从初期规划到设计至营业的无缝服务。 Efficiency, economic and the comprehensive systems integration solutions to support digital cinema seamless service from initial planning to design to business 专业的技术,高效的组织以及优质个性的服务协助客户、经营者实现其商业愿景。 Professional technology, high efficient organization and individual character service to help customers high quality, achieve their business operators desire. 我们确立的数字影院设计、施工及产品方案,满足每一个客户预算,专为其观众需求,梦想而设计的一个独特系统。 Our digital theater design, construction and product solutions will meet each customer's budget, specifically for the audience needs a unique system designed. 我们能做的事情是无界限的! The things we can do is no boundaries 背景 Background 我们经验丰富的行业专家团队有超过十年的建筑声学、装饰、声光电系统的专业经历,这使我们积累了超过150块银幕影院、50项音乐厅和剧院等观演建筑、60项体育文化建筑、30项五星级酒店建筑……的建设。多年的经验使我们能够充分为客户提供超过预期的独特解决方案。
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