
  广州市金赉电子有限公司广州  喇叭引线厂家

扬声器又称“喇叭”。是一种十分常用的电声换能器件,在发声的电子电气设备中都能见到它。在任何一款喇叭中都需要喇叭引的连接才能发出声音。我公司根据客户的需求,研发出高、中、低不同档次的喇叭引线,为客户提供了一站式可以找到合适自己使用的全系列产品。 联系电话:13809249243  何先生

kingwire technology Speaker wire manufacturer   

The speaker is also called the "horn". Is a kind of very common electroacoustic transducer, in a voice that can see it in electronic electrical equipment. In any speakers need speakers connected to make a sound. Our company according to customer demand, the development of high, medium and low grade of different speaker fuses, provides customers with one-stop can find appropriate oneself use the full range of products. Contact phone number 13809249243 Mr.He

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