
Professional Background

Since 2002 working as a Vice President, Finance in the Buffalo, NY, NIB, Inc. and is responsible for providing managerial leadership to the company. Guided the team in the expansion of a mission declaration, tactical plans, and related production plans to generate 200% profit in two-year time span. Research thoroughly, plan and set up a satellite mechanized plan in less than eight weeks. Begin full-system combination with the commercial office. Organize all legal, tax and insurance associations. Develop the company's revenue and profit sharing, section 152,104 (k) and other advantage plans.

From 1995-2001 worked as a Finance Manager in the Ryder Group, Inc. and was responsible for expanding the levels of administrative responsibility for financial accounting, analysis, budgeting, credit and collection for an international manufacturing company worth $5 billion.. Synchronize financial consolidations, examination, estimation, attainment and support. Supervise five not liable and seven non-exempt staff with dotted-line power over six Plant Controllers.

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