      Guangzhou Yifeng Daily Chemicals Co.,Ltd.is a professional manufacturer of leather care products,detergents,household care products,and automodile care products.We have dozns of kinds of products in 4series--" Meige","Xiezhibao","Qianying",and"Miaolian".We mainly develop and produce aaerosol products including burnished cowhidw colorant,leather conditioner,leather cleaner,air-conditioner cleaner,etc.In order to satisfy the requirements of customers,we regard market as our decelopment direction,continuously decelp new products,and ceaselessly improce and perfect the quality of percious products.
      With years of efforts,our company has established sales network mainly in South China,North China,and Northeast.Furthermore,we hace also deceloped a successful rosd of package sales of leather products and leather care products bu setting up cooperation module in opening professional market and chain stores with many domestic snd foreign manufacturers and foreign manufacturers and sales agents of leather shoes and other leather products.Because of the variety and high quality,our products have received favorable comments from customers.
     In order to meet the requirements of domestic and foreign customers.we can design and produce products according to customers requirements,or process for certain brands.The product qualty is stable and the price is reasonable.
     All the domestic and foreign customers are welcome to order our products.Pleade don't hesitate to contact us!
     Company slogn:Ceaseless efforts and forecer innovation
     Working principle:teamwork,contribution,and innovation
     Cooperation principle:mutual benefits
     Marketing principle:develop and produce satisfactory products for customers 
     Sercice promises:swiftness,high quality,and sincerity
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