
Tips on sound linking. 关于连音技巧。

Although in written English, there’re spaces between every word, in spoken English there’re always never pauses between words. 虽然在书面英语当中,每个单词之间是有空的,而在英语口语中经常是单词之间是没有停顿的。

In order to understand spoken English, it is essential to understand how this linking is done. 为了能懂英语口语,懂得如何连音是非常重要的。

Today let’s concentrate on the most common sound linking situation. 今天我们来关注最普通的连音情况。

Whenever a word ending in a consonant sound is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound, the consonant sound is linked to the vowel sound as if they were part of the same word. 若以辅音结尾的单词后面跟着以元音开头的单词,这个辅音就和后面的元音连在一起发音,如同这两个音构成了一个单词。

Let’s look at some examples. 
I’d like another bowl of rice, please. 我想再吃一碗饭。
单词 “like” 是以辅音结束的,而单词 “another” 是以元音开始的。 因此,单词 “like” 中的 “k” 和单词 “another” 中的 “a” 连在一起发“kanother”.

a bowl-of 听起来像在说单词 “love”。


When 2 identical or similar consonants are in a row, most sounds are not pronounced. 当两个相同或相似的辅音在一起,很多音都不发音。 
比如说, stop Peter. “stop” 以 “p”这个音结尾, “Peter” 是以同样的音开头。 这两个单词连起来就是“sto-peter”。 

Similar but not identical sounds such as voiced and voiceless pairs of consonants are also linked in this way. 相似但不相同的音如发音与不发音的一对辅音总是会这样连音。

For example, it’s a big cake. “big” begins in the sound “g”, cake begins with the sound “k”. 比如说,这是一个大蛋糕。

“big” 是以 “g” 这个音结尾的, “cake” 这个音则是以 “k” 这个音开始的。 
“k” 和 “g” 的不同在于 “k” 是不发音的, “g” 是发音的。

When they are next to each other in a phrase, they’re linked smoothly by not aspirating or pronouncing fully the first of the 2 sounds. 当他们在短语紧跟着,他们顺畅地连接不需要送气发音或xx地发出这两个音的{dy}个音。 
如果这对音颠倒下,就像在“I like goats.”里面, “k” 这个音是不发音的。

I love France.
Let’s bathe three times. 
She is Susan. 
The garage should be cleaned. 
He has a huge chin. 
Put the cap back on. 
Dad told me. 
I like Gavin.

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